Fall Programs @ Amory

Fall Programs @ AmoryPower Hour Training
(Play Better Level)
Power Hours will begin at Amory Park this outdoor season for the first time. Power Hours are a high energy class that includes cardio, stroke development and situational tennis for each specific level of play. The focus of our instructional philosophy is our games based approach that makes the learning situational and more fun. The program is also a great way to meet new players of your ability level.
Tues / Thurs 10-11 AM
Power 90 Tennis
(Performance Level)
We are excited to announce the addition of adult Power 90 classes to be hosted at Amory Park for the 2017 season. The P 90 program has been a major success for us in Florida the last couple years. The P 90 is a game competition court that involves many situational and skill developing games as players track their scores each game and ultimately have a winner for the day.
Mondays / Wednesdays / Fridays 9:30-11 AM

The P 90 program is designed for Performance players as this program is not instructional, it is our expectation that all registrants will be of Performance level. If you have any questions regarding your level, contact David at dmacburnie@comcast.net